SEO SEM Training & Certification

February 8, 2007

Stuntdbl joins Neil Patel and Cameron Olthuis in “Rush Hour” on Webmaster Radio

Filed under: SEM SEO Training — David Temple @ 2:13 pm

Webmaster Radio has some great shows and I listen to as many as time allows. The newest program in their lineup is called “Rush Hour” with Neil Patel and Cameron Olthuis. Joining them on their maiden voyage was none other than Todd Malicoat aka Stuntdubl. And you know when these guys get together the talk is all about social media.

Here’s some of the things they talked about. The first topic of conversation was why diggers don’t digg seo and what can be done. Todd who’s been digging for about a year and a half says it’s the perception seo’s have due to those trying to game the system. His philosophy has always been to only digg quality stories.

Cameron asked if you would run the risk of getting your site banned if too many people dugg every story from your site. Todd answered by giving the example of Lee Odden’s Online Marketing Blog that was banned from Digg despite that fact that Lee writes some great content. The social media trio speculated that Lee’s readers just dugg too many of his news stories which were typically about seo.

They also discussed getting in the top 100, a spot Todd has reached, and what that means now that those are displayed any longer. Is it ethical for top diggers to take money for digging a story and if not what’s the difference between that and paying companies to linkbait for you? You gotta listen to get these answers but I will tell you how they answered my question.

I asked,  “Is it better to work a few social media sites really hard or to spread out your efforts on many of them?” Cameron’s answer was if your topic is broad then try to get your message spread across as many social media sites as possible. If your topic is more focused or niche then find the social media sites where your market is and focus on those. That’s a great answer C-man.

Thanks to all of you for sharing social media know how. Excellent show and I’m looking forward to the next one.

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